About UsOur Passion ForWhat We Do

“Welcome and thank you for visiting Trek Ethiopia. My name is Muzeyen and I am a guide who specializes in visiting Ethiopia. I grew up in a National Park in southern Ethiopia and am very passionate about the natural world of our beautiful country! I was born in the small town of Dinsho in the Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia. I studied less than an hour away in the city of Robe and started working in tourism when I was 20 years old. I learned Bale Mountains like the back of my hand when I worked with the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme (EWCP) for 4 years as a Wolf Monitor. I spent the days in the mountains following the wolves and helping to vaccinate the wolves against rabies. As a result, I know the packs by name and knows where they live – you’re guaranteed to see wolves on any trip with me! I am one of the most well-known guides in the park. When photographers, videographers or producers visit I always their guide! Some of my most memorable clients include Graham Norton and BBC, and professional photographers Will Burrard-Lucas, Vincent Munier and Delphin Ruche.

Please get in touch if you’d like to visit Ethiopia with me! – Muzeyen. “

Muzeyen lives in and specializes in visiting the Bale Mountains, but he has extensive experience planning and leading itineraries far and wide in Ethiopia. He can create itineraries for just a couple of days or a couple of weeks! You can contact him here. Some of these destinations include: All Ethiopian National Parks, Reserves and Sanctuaries including Bale Mountains National Park and Simien Mountains National Park Norther Circuit including Lalibela, Axum, Gonder Bahir Dar and more The Danakil Depression and greater Afar region Harar Jimma and Gambella regions The Omo Valley including Konso, Jinka, Mursi, Arba Minch and more The caves of Sof Omar and Shrine of Dire Sheik Hussein

Our ExpertiseWe Create the TOURof Your Dreams

Muzeyen is an experienced and passionate tour guide, offering an unparalleled journey through the rich cultural and historical tapestry of Ethiopia. Born and raised in Addis Ababa, Muzeyen has an intimate knowledge of the diverse landscapes, traditions, and hidden gems that make Ethiopia a captivating destination.

Languages: Fluent in English, Amharic, and Tigrigna, Muzeyen effortlessly bridges the gap between visitors and the local communities. Her language proficiency ensures that guests feel not only welcomed but also fully immersed in the cultural richness of Ethiopia.

Expertise: With over five years of guiding experience, Muzeyen specializes in showcasing Ethiopia’s historical wonders, including the ancient rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, the historical route of Axum, Gondar’s royal castles, and the vibrant city life of Addis Ababa. His expertise extends to the natural wonders of Ethiopia, such as the Simien Mountains, the Danakil Depression, and the stunning landscapes of the Rift Valley.

Cultural Sensitivity: Muzeyen is committed to providing culturally sensitive and responsible tourism experiences. He emphasizes the importance of respecting local customs, traditions, and the environment. His tours are designed to create positive interactions between travelers and the communities they visit, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation.

Expertise: With over five years of guiding experience, Muzeyen specializes in showcasing Ethiopia’s historical wonders, including the ancient rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, the historical route of Axum, Gondar’s royal castles, and the vibrant city life of Addis Ababa. His expertise extends to the natural wonders of Ethiopia, such as the Simien Mountains, the Danakil Depression, and the stunning landscapes of the Rift Valley.

Interpersonal Skills: Known for his warm and friendly demeanor, Muzeyen creates a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere for his guests. His excellent communication skills, coupled with a genuine passion for sharing Ethiopia’s beauty, ensure that every tour is both educational and entertaining.

Customized Tours: Muzeyen offers personalized itineraries tailored to the interests and preferences of her guests. Whether it’s a historical exploration, a culinary adventure, or an off-the-beaten-path experience, He crafts unforgettable journeys that leave a lasting impression.

In the capable hands of Muzeyen, visitors to Ethiopia can expect not only a well-guided tour but an immersive and authentic experience that goes beyond the typical tourist trail. His dedication to showcasing Ethiopia’s treasures and fostering cross-cultural connections makes him an invaluable asset for anyone seeking a memorable and enriching travel experience in this enchanting East African nation.

MUzeten is a specialist tour guide for visitors coming to Ethiopia and he customises tour packages according to visitors preferences and tastes and offers an immersive and authentic experience that goes beyond the typical tourist trail. He is a dedicated tour operator who focuses on the safety and pleasure to every visitor to showcase Ethiopia’s treasures. 

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